Eins mit Afrika - Hakuna Matata e.V.

Pfarrei Nyamongo

Die Pfarrei Nyamongo, die in der Region Mara ganz im Norden von Tansania liegt, gehört zur Diözese Musoma. Mit dem Projekt "Pfarrei Nyamongo" wollten wir bei dem Aufbau der Gemeinde helfen. Hierzu haben wir sakrale Gegenstände für das Kirchengebäude vom Bistum Münster kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen.

Wir organisierten und finanzierten mit unserem Verein, „Eins mit Afrika – Hakuna Matata e.V.“, den Transport dieser Gegenstände nach Tansania. Dieses Projekt wurde mittlerweile im Jahre 2011 erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

Der damalige Pfarrer der Gemeinde, Pater Nicholas, stellt seine Gemeinde vor:

"Nyamongo Catholic parish is situated in Tarime rural District in Mara region, mainly occupied by Traditional Kurya people by tribe who are basically pastoralists. As a characteristic of pastoralists time to time they have conflicts among themselves caused by loss of their animals. This has caused insecurity in the area. As a church we have seen it as our responsibility to preach peace among the people. To a big extent the church has succeeded.

We seize the opportunity to preach to the people when we gather for Masses and services in the churches. Unfortunately Nyamongo parish being a newly established parish with nine Outstations, has no churches built at the outstations except at the parish centre which is uncompleted and Mrito outstation. With a pastoralist background, the economic situation is poor, to the extent the people are not able to contribute for the completion of the newly constructed parish church opened on 29/9/2006, lacking windows, doors, benches and many others.

We have a total of 4,280 Christians in the parish centre and every Sunday we have three masses with the christians bearing the situation by sitting on the floor, even some times heavy rains inconvenience us as the windows are wide open. Whereas each outstation has a total number of christians ranging from 200 - 2,500.

In all the faith grows every now and on and the completion of this church would motivate the people more."

Pater Nicholas

P.O. BOX 403 

Hier sind einige Fotos von den Gegenständen, die nach Tansania geschafft wurden und nun gute Dienste dort leisten: